Cleaner Solution for Pets & Children

Clean & free from nasty odours. 100% natural & bacterial cleaner – the natural way to stop odours and safe for your family & pets.


Full of good bacteria UV Clean is unlike any other cleaner on the market! Containing billions of friendly bacteria, its scientifically proven to breakdown organic matter into simple chemical compounds, found naturally in the environment. On contact, our bacteria work like an efficient army of cleaners on messes & stains, getting to work straight away producing enzymes to break down the organic matter that cause stains and odours. Feeding on the waste particles & converting it to simple natural compounds, all the while multiplying, producing enzymes and feeding until the stains & odour have gone.

UV Clean is a unique formulation of good bacteria and enzymes specially formulated to clean the residue from animal and human vomit, urine, faeces, sweat and a number of other biological spills. Simply scrape up the solids and wet the area thoroughly with UV Clean and allow to dry naturally. In hot, dry weather, it will help to mist the affected area with water to maintain a moist environment for the bacteria to go to work or keep covered for a couple of hours with a damp towel where possible.

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